Work Earth Day 2, 6" x 6", Artist-made paper, natural dye, botanical print Dreaming Oaxaca, 11" x 13" , Artist-made paper, threads, cochineal dye and earth pigments Earth Day 3, 5" x 5", Artist-made paper, natural dye, botanical print Ai (How do you say Love), 9 " x 15 " , Artist-made paper, indigo dye, sumi ink Earth Day 1, 8" x 8", Artist-made paper, natural dye, botanical print Above and Below, 7" x 7" Assemblage, artist made paper and sculpture, ephemera Boro Spirit III – Collage, handmade paper, natural dyed silk, stitching 14” x 15” Boro Spirit 1 – Handmade paper – blue denim rag, abaca, pulp painting, indigo dye, 25” x 40” Wabi Sabi Study – Collage, handmade paper, earth pigment, 14” x 15” Snow Feather Mandala – handmade paper construction, abaca and denim rag, 12” x 12” private collection Retablo – handmade paper construction, dyed and painted silk, 13”x14” Boro Spirit 4 - 24 x 36 inches Ai (How do you say Love) Diptych - 28 x 40 inches Circle of Life Studio Debra Ketchum Jircik 3720 Gaffney Drive Eagle River , WI 54521 Tel: 715-891-3487